Technological progress cannot be stopped, can it? The Luddites are a famous example of a failed attempt trying to do so: 19th-century textile workers and weavers who feared that the invention of spinn... »
A Critical Look at the #DigitalSingleMarket strategy Part 3 The concept of market failure is an economic model concept on the performance of markets. It was mainly conducted by the economist Franci... »
A Critical Look at the #DigitalSingleMarket strategy Part 2 The brand value studies refer to GAFA as “technology companies”, and US bloggers simply call them “Big Tech”. But not only does each indi... »
A Critical Look at the #DigitalSingleMarket strategy Part 1 Time and time again we were promised innovation, progress and not least added value from the digital economy. But now economists are incr... »
In the early days of internet online personality test websites promised to deliver a telling assessment of one’s IQ based on a few simple multiple choice questions. The results were formulaic and m... »
The Digital Single Market is the European Commission’s grand plan to fix jobs and growth. Netopia readers may have followed this writers’ analyses on jobs and growth, from the leaked documents and com... »
A Pharaoh was the most important and powerful person in the kingdom of Ancient Egypt. He or she (but mostly he) was the head of the government and the highest rank of everything, including religious t... »
Hundreds of European digital startups are working together across national boundaries to create an 'alternative internet for Europe', away from the prying eyes of American and British intelligence age... »
Weblining sometimes called Redlining is a potentially discriminatory practice of offering preferential products and services on account of a person's standing, or behaviour on the internet.   Nando... »
Robots and the Internet of Things The vast majority of machines is of highly anonymous nature and, like background music, has crept into our lives almost without anybody noticing. They include refr... »