3Qs to Felipe Buitrago Felipe Buitrago has many accomplishments to his name: Minister of Culture in Colombia, Ambassador to Germany, and economic scholar. Not least, he wrote the book The Orange Ec... »
Netopia asks the key digital policymakers in the European Parliament about their ambitions for the next mandate. Here is German MEP Sabine Verheyen (EPP). Digital self-determination, infrastructure... »
Catherine Blache is senior counsel for international policy at SNE, the French Publishers Association. Netopia met her at Wexfo in Lillehammer in May, where she spoke on how the system for scientific ... »
Leandro Demori is the editor of the newsletter “The Great War” – A Grande Guerra and hosts video shows on Youtube focusing on politcs. Leandro Demori used to be executive editor of The Intercept for f... »
3Qs to Marlon Julian Nombrado Of all the ideas for how to make the digital world better, educating the users may be the most popular of all. Except it is often a convenient excuse more than a real ... »
Three questions to Dr. Eleonora Rosati, Full Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Director of the Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM) at Stockholm University Last month,... »
Three questions to Tom Galvin, executive director of Digital Citizens Alliance In the corona crisis, bad actors have abused the domain name system for fraud against worried consumers. No end to the... »
Three questions to MEP Alex Agius Saliba about the Digital Services Act (DSA) What is your most important priority for the Digital Services Act? Digital services have become the new utilities of... »
Three questions to Ruha Benjamin, author of “Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code” What do you think are the worst effects of bias in Artificial intelligence? The obvio... »
Three Questions to Douglas Rushkoff Netopia asks three questions to media theorist and writer, Douglas Rushkoff, author of Team Human, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus, Present Shock et al. His ... »