Creativity and cultural diversity are Europe’s best cards

Creativity and cultural diversity are Europe’s best cards

Three questions to Börje Hansson, co-founder of independent film production company Bright Pictures

1. What would be the impact on the film producers of current EU-policy proposals on territorial licensing?

We are very worried that our ability to agree territorial licensing to raise capital to produce films and TV content will be compromised to a degree where we simply cannot fund the budgets to match our creative ambitions. We also stand to lose the focused local marketing exclusive distributors undertake in foreign markets – creating a local audience for our films and TV content. The various efforts from EU institutions to erode territorial exclusivity would tear down the very business model of the European film industry – but territorial exclusivity is the commercial reality of film industries across the world.

EU institutions should recognize that cultural and creative diversity, jobs in the film and TV sectors and sustainable businesses are important political goals which should not be compromised

By proposing to limit our ability to work with territorial exclusivity in the European Union, the European film industry is then placed as a competitive disadvantage while territorial exclusivity can be deployed elsewhere in the world.

2. What would you like to see instead?

EU institutions should recognize that cultural and creative diversity, jobs in the film and TV sectors and sustainable businesses are important political goals which should not be compromised by trying to address unsubstantiated demand for cross-border access. That is why I and several of my European producer and distributor colleagues have written to the EU institutions to remind them of their responsibilities both to our sector and to our audiences.

3. Don’t you agree that Europe needs a digital single market to be globally competitive?

Creativity and cultural diversity are Europe’s best cards in a global market place. A good story well told is the key ingredient for success and we work hard every day with our creative partners to deliver that to our audiences.