Netopia turned to AI to find out what the main party groups say about digital policy topics. We fed their election manifestos into a large-language model and analysed the occurrence of digital policy... »
Netopia uploaded the full manifestos, all 91 pages of policy from Renew Europe, EPP, S&D and The Greens, then asked ChatGPT4o to perform an analysis based on one question: To what extent does t... »
Netopia interviewed ChatGPT4o, Google Gemini and Grok/X AI about their views on digital policy in the European election. The upcoming EU elections in 2024 will prominently feature several key digital... »
The discussion on network fees has thus far mainly focused on telecoms and internet platforms. What about the European creative sector? Would those companies be impacted by network fees, what would... »
Artifical intelligence is no longer the sci-fi future that we have so often used as a panel for projecting our fears and dreams onto. Today it is in every person’s hands (or device) as the raving popu... »
In 2013, two economists wrote the book The Orange Economy, showing how creative businesses have infinite potential for Latin America. They were Felipe Buitrago, later ambassador to Berlin and Minister... »
The Kremlin has directed Russian businesses use the .ru-domain rather than .com - symbolic? Some experts say the Russian regime performed a “dress rehearsal” of disconnecting from the global internet ... »
Hate speech and racial abuse online has haunted football and maybe peaked with England's penalty shoot-out against Italy in the European Championship finals this summer. What can football do about it ... »
Technology must be human-centric, says MEP Sabine Verheyen in this exclusive Netopia video spotlight. Technology should not be “Selbstzweck” – only serve itself. This principle can guide both research... »
In our first spotlight video interview, Netopia editor Per Strömbäck meets Alex Agius Saliba, member of European parliament representing Malta in the S&D-group. MEP Saliba is one of the most promi... »