Three questions to MEP Jean-Marie Cavada (ALDE). Internet regulation policy tends to trigger some strange phenomena, not least if it’s about copyright. Rumours of spambots flooding MEPs with email... »
Three questions to Börje Hansson, co-founder of independent film production company Bright Pictures 1. What would be the impact on the film producers of current EU-policy proposals on territorial l... »
Three questions to Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society It is a busy autumn for digital policy making in the European Union. Netopia asked three urgent questions to the Comm... »
Three Questions to Vincent Fella Hendricks, Professor, Director Center for Information and Bubble Studies, University of Copenhagen Vincent Fella Hendricks is the co-author, with Mads Vestergaard, ... »
Three Questions to David Porter, CEO of eCampusOntario eCampusOntario is a not for profit, owned by the 45 universities and colleges that make up the higher education sector in Ontario, Canada. It ... »
Three Questions to Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment of Malta The air is humming with buzzwords like “life-long learning”, “automation” and “upskill” at the Estonian presidency... »
3 Questions to Epi Ludvik Nikaj, founder of Crowdsourcing Week-conference The first promise of the internet was democratisation – new voices would be heard and a plethora of expressions would flouris... »
3 Questions to Felipe Florez Duncan, co-author of The impact of cross-border access to audiovisual content on EU consumers. The convenience of accessing film and TV programmes throughout a digitall... »
3 Questions to Martin Hoffmann – Fake-news! It’s a defamation against journalists, extolled President of the European Federation of Journalists, Mogens Blicher Bjerregård at the recent ECPMF confer... »
3 Questions to Jonathan Taplin, author of Move Fast and Break Things In the third decade of the commercial internet, concentration of power and money is greater than ever. Will this process stop or... »