'Europe loves wifi'. That is the message from the vice president of the EU Commission Neelie Kroes, and the title of the Digital Agenda for Europe report of 2013 recommending greater use of public and... »
Leaders of the online search engines Google and Wikipedia are defying the EU's attempt to give digital citizens the right to be forgotten 'le droit a l'oubli', and working to overturn it. They are tak... »
Weblining sometimes called Redlining is a potentially discriminatory practice of offering preferential products and services on account of a person's standing, or behaviour on the internet.   Nando... »
It started as a game, and now it’s been won there are some very sore losers… Alan Turing’s Imitation Game – which became the Turing Test – aimed to find out whether a ‘thinking machine’ could hold ... »
"Overall, the work of rebuilding and transforming government for the digital age is only just beginning. Governments remain organized according to political and bureaucratic imperatives, not according... »
Robots and the Internet of Things The vast majority of machines is of highly anonymous nature and, like background music, has crept into our lives almost without anybody noticing. They include refr... »
“The truck regarded them calmly, its receptors blank and impassive. It was doing its job. The planet-wide network of automatic factories was smoothly performing the task imposed on it five years befor... »
With her black leather jacket, chic haircut and cheeky smile Catherine Morin Desailly defies the stereotype of French Senators as learned elders who deliberate over affairs of state in the grandeur of... »
In 1980 futurist Alvin Toffler predicted that consumers and producers would merge into prosumers. He might be proven right by the sharing economy. Start-ups are forming a peer-to-peer economy using... »
What gets measured gets done is a popular principle in business management, first articulated by Austrian-American author/management consultant Peter F. Drucker. In the era of big data, the idea is ap... »