Netopia Spotlight: Detlef Eckert – Escaping Digital Policy Déja Vu

The Singularity Is Delayed

businesspeople with artificial intelligence on the blue background

Phantom Pains in the Industry that Lost €100 Million per Day

It used to be that the internet would bring knowledge, democracy, growth, jobs a... »

“The Digital Single Market will not lead to large-scale price effects throughout Europe”

3 Questions to Nathalie Vandystadt, European Commission spokesperson for the Dig... »

And the Winner Is…

Digital Myth: Europe Has Failed to Create Successful Digital Companies

Digital Myth: Competition is Only One Click Away

Feeding the Google Dragon

The Internet as We Know It

One can have many opinions about the European Commission’s plans for a Digital S... »

How Not to Save #NetworkNeutrality

Today the European Parliament voted on the telecoms single market in Europe, a p... »