Big Tech through Marx’s Lens: Digital Economy as Good Old Colonial Capitalism

Fundamental Values of Intellectual Property and Privacy Protection Key to Europe’s Digital Success – 3Qs to Commissioner Gabriel

Fundamental Values of Intellectual Property and Privacy Protection Key to Europe’s Digital Success – 3Qs to Commissioner Gabriel

“Final battle between companies providing infrastructure from overseas and European content”

“Europe needs to keep up with its creators, their ambitions and its own ambition”

How Many Times Can the Internet Be Broken? #copyrightreform

Today the European Commission presented its copyright reform. (One week ahead of... »

The Gig Economy and European Labour

Market Epic Fail

(c) erhui1979 - mprovement, Competition, Pursuit, Challenge, Conquering Adversity, Strategy, Efficiency, Solution

Why Big Tech is not Tech at All

A Critical Look at the #DigitalSingleMarket strategy Part 2 The brand value s... »

The Mystery of the Digital Economy: Where Is the Money? Where Are the Jobs?

Permissionless innovation = endless litigation

The book Permissionless Innovation by Adam Thierer is an intro to "cyberlibertar... »