EU Scoreboard: slow but steady digital progress in Europe

Basic digital networks and services are now available virtually everywhere in the EU, but there is still progress to be made.

The European Commission’s annual Digital Agenda Scoreboard published on 12 June finds that Europeans are missing out on the main benefits of the digital revolution due to the lack of investment in very fast networks and the absence of a single telecoms market.

The Scoreboard also shows that roaming prices have fallen by around €0.05 and that E-commerce continues to grow. Today, 45 percent of Europeans use the internet to buy goods and services, but very few buy across borders. Moreover, there are still around 100 million EU citizens that have never used the internet, citing too high costs or a lack of skills as the main reasons.

The Digital Agenda Scoreboard assesses the progress made in achieving the European Union’s goal of creating a regulatory and business-friendly climate that will promote competition and investment in Europe’s digital technology markets.